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Agricultural Loans Fund - Expression of Interest
First name
Email address
Telephone number
Position in company
Director / Founder
How did you hear about us?
Magazine advert
Already know about Jersey Business
Referred by a friend or business contact
Social media
Internet search or advert
Bus advert
Company name
Business licence number
Industry sector
Arable farming and processing
Dairy farming and processing
Medical cannabis growing and processing
Raising of other animals
Raising of poultry
Mixed farming
Number of permanent employees
Date commenced trading
Average seasonal employees
Turnover from Jersey at last year end
Are you registered with the GoJ Rural Support Scheme?
Are you registered with the GoJ Rural Support Scheme?
Are you registered with the GoJ Rural Support Scheme?
Purpose of Loan
Reason for the loan application
Area where project would impact the most:
Reducing The Cost Base
Increasing Revenue
Creating Process Improvements
Encouraging Investment
What would be the main benefits of receiving this loan?
Do you have a fully costed project/business plan
What are the estimated total costs involved in the project?
How much do you want to borrow (max 90% total project to a max borrowing of £1 mil)
Loans may need to be secured. Can you meet this requirement?
Loans may need to be secured. Can you meet this requirement?
Loans may need to be secured. Can you meet this requirement?
Desired repayment period (max 30 years) - range
1 - 10 years
11 - 20 years
21 - 30 years
Estimated project start date
Estimated project end date
Please can you confirm that you have read the FAQs
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